Event details

What is it?

Rogaines are navigational contests with a fixed time limit for teams on foot.

"Big" means it's bigger than our regular after-work rogaines and "Trig" means there are some hills!

Where is it?

Parking and event centre location will be advised closer to the event date (Sunday 8th December 2024).

How do I enter?

There will be an online entry form available later in October, with entries closing at midnight Sunday 1st December 2024.

News & updates

Dec 14, 2023

2023 results

What a cracking day it was for a rogaine. Kicked off in the sideways rain and viz-killing low cloud and finished with a few hours of gorgeous sun. Worms Adrift took out the 6-hour title and Chilli con Carnage the 3-hour. Read the rest of the results and commentary.

Nov 15, 2023

Big Trig – 2023 Vintage

A few words from our planner Aaron Lynch:

The 2023-vintage Big Trig is a full-bodied and complex blend of Whareroa and Akatarawa fruits. The perfume, with its essence of vibrant life, streams, history, mud, soft toys, and icecream is backed up by the terrain’s intensity, purity, length, and silky, sensuous textures. Earthy undertones and a succulent core of juicy foliage encourage exploration to its depths, but the lightly-spiced finish may catch out those who drink too deeply. Best enjoyed responsibly and in fine company. Drink on December 10th, 2023.

Dec 13, 2022

2022 results

It turned out to be a cracker of a day for rogaining with a BIG course that caught many out. It was a close tussle for first place with De Rare Doedelzaic just pipping More Hills More Fun for the 6 hour title after taking a penalty for being 20 minutes late. In the 3 hour event Danger Children snuck past Triple H to win by just 10 points.

Nov 24, 2022

Big Trig – Climie Chapter

An update from our event planner Darryn Gordon:

New to Climie and Tunnel Gully? Or do you think you know the area like the back of your hand? Regardless you’re guaranteed to be visiting some places you never knew existed at the Big Trig – Climie Chapter.

There will be some “gentle” controls around the flatter areas of Tunnel Gully, but those teams that want to battle for the Big Trig Champion crown will need to bring their climbing legs. With at least four “routes” up Climie, the top teams are almost all likely to have to clamber up that hill twice. You’ll also be rewarded if you like getting your feet wet or if you’re prepared to sidle around the odd bit of blackberry bramble.

With a 6-hour and 3-hour option, there’s something for everyone in the last Wellington-based Rogaine for the 2022 season.

The sun came out
Dec 12, 2021

Results for 5 hour rogaine

The sun came out for the end of the 5 hour rogaine and over-ambitious teams trickled in at last! Heads Left Tails Right prov winners of the final event. Checked results posted for the 4hr, provisional 5hr.

Dec 11, 2021

Results posted for 1, 2, and 3 hour rogaines

Checked results have been posted for the 2hr, 1hr and 3hr rogaines, plus the adventure rogaine. Nutrient Rescue topped the dark and wet 4hr as well as the adventure. BART and The Slavs battling for the Premium title.